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Numerical Simulation, Modelization, Mechanical Characterization and Micro-structural Optimization of Industrial Components 

Offer to companies

Analysis of failures in service


Our group offers to companies the study of the causes of failure of any industrial component due to mechanical and thermal loads, oxidation, corrosion, wear, etc. and the combination of all these actions.


We offer a detailed analysis of the stresses acting on the component in question, the study of state of the material (forming process, heat treatment, welding, etc.), the causes of failure, proposed solutions in order to avoid subsequent failure and the actions to take to guarantee a secure service of the component.



Shot Peening treatments


Determination of the shot peening treatment most appropiate to each component or particular material in order to generate an ideal state of compressive residual stresses and surface hardening with the aim of enhancing the fatigue life and/or the environmentally assisted cracking resistance of the component/material. The study would be conducted using a direct pressure laboratory shot peeing machine, mainly by changing the air pressure and size of the beads used (between 0.2 and 1 mm) and evaluating its effect on the residual stresses and the induced hardening ( aspects determined by X-ray diffraction) but without causing significant damage (which would be evaluated by scanning electron microscopy).


The ultimate goal of these studies is to achieve an improved fatigue behavior or enhance the resistance to stress corrosion cracking of any structural component by applying optimized shot peening surface treatments. 



Structural integrity component life assessment 


Our research group offers to companies the study of the structural integrity of any component or structure under service stresses, with the aim of ensuring safe operation conditions during its lifetime, including the selection of the material and the most appropriate treatment, stress analysis (using finite elements if neccessary) and the safety factors to potential failure modes, all in accordance with the regulations in force in each case.


Residual stressess


Determination of residual stresses existing in any metal product generated during the manufacturing process (molding operations, hot or cold superplastic forming, machining processes of all kinds , heat treatments, surface treatments, welds, etc.). To perform this type of analysis, a specific X-ray diffractometer is used to determine the residual stress of used industrial components, and an electropolishing technique is used to gradually remove material from the surface of the product without altering the state of residual stress and determining their evolution as a function of the depth. 


The ultimate purpose of these analyses is to know, as precisely as possible, the existing state of residual stresses in any metal industrial component, an aspect that is usually unknown and that certainly affects its service behavior, to ensure a more secure and sustainable behavior.


Measurement equipment distributor



© 2014 by Emilio Martínez Pañeda

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